Genealogy Data Page 157 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Homrighausen, Johannes 
b. 21 JUN 1816 Diedenshausen
Gender: Male
Father: Homrighausen, Georg Wilhelm
Mother: Weller, Anna Catharina
Sandifer, Kelsey Breanne 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Mother: Madison, Tanya Leechael
Brown, Mitchell Bryant 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Male
Father: Brown, Steve
Mother: Miller, Jean Ann
Beitzel, Debus 
Gender: Male
Father: Beitzel, Johann Jost
Riedesel, Garrett Williams 
b. --Not Shown-- Burnsville, Dakota, Minnesota
Gender: Male
Father: Riedesel, John Clark
Mother: Williams, Lisa Kristine Byrnes
Stingel, Carol Lynn 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Female
Father: Stingel, Michael Voris
Mother: Culbertson, Terri Jane
Brown, Stephen Wade 
b. --Not Shown--
Gender: Male
Father: Brown, Steve
Mother: Miller, Jean Ann
Hüster, Walradt 
b. ABT 1580
Gender: Male
Father: Hüster, Johannes
Homrighausen, Katie 
b. 5 NOV 1880
d. 25 JUL 1882
Gender: Female
Father: Homrighausen, Johann Georg
Mother: Barger, Elizabeth
Fox, Lloyd Laurence

b. 4 NOV 1907 Iowa
d. 21 OCT 1966 St. Paul's Cemetery, Wheatland
Gender: Male
Father: Fuchs, Heinrich Friedrich
Mother: Homrighausen, Maria Katherine
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