Genealogy Data Page 835 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Schulz, Katharina 
b. 4 JUL 1773 Wingeshausen
d. BEF 1779 Wingeshausen
Gender: Female
Father: Schulz, Daniel
Mother: Riedesel, Löysa
Schulz, Henrich 
b. 29 JUL 1779 Wingeshausen
Gender: Male
Father: Schulz, Daniel
Mother: Riedesel, Löysa
Klotz, Henrich 
b. 31 JUL 1734 Womelsdorf
d. 20 JUN 1758 Womelsdorf
Gender: Male
Father: Klotz, Ludwig
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Elisabeth
Dickel, Johann Henrich 
b. 23 FEB 1779 Melbach
d. 10 MAR 1819
Gender: Male
Father: Dickel, Arnold
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Catharina
Prätorius, Elias 
b. 10 FEB 1754 Banfe
Gender: Male
Father: Prätorius, Johannes
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Catharina
Prätorius, Johannes 
b. 22 JUN 1755 Banfe
d. 31 JAN 1758 Banfe
Gender: Male
Father: Prätorius, Johannes
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Catharina
Prätorius, Katharina 
b. 15 JUL 1757 Banfe
d. 8 AUG 1757 Banfe
Gender: Female
Father: Prätorius, Johannes
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Catharina
Prätorius, Henrich 
b. 18 SEP 1758 Banfe
Gender: Male
Father: Prätorius, Johannes
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Catharina
Koch, Georg Ludwig 
b. 18 MAR 1776 Berleburg
d. OCT 1777 Berleburg
Gender: Male
Father: Koch, Ludwig Franz
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Maria
Bald, Ludwig 
b. 29 JAN 1752 Berleburg
d. JUL 1759 Berleburg
Gender: Male
Father: Bald, Georg Ludwig
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Maria
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