Genealogy Data Page 749 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Bell, Homer Lee 
b. 1911
Gender: Male
Father: Bell, William Green
Mother: Boldt, Marie Ida
Bell, Herbert 
b. 1912
Gender: Male
Father: Bell, William Green
Mother: Boldt, Marie Ida
Bell, Bertha 
b. 1916
Gender: Female
Father: Bell, William Green
Mother: Boldt, Marie Ida
Holmes, Catharine 
b. 5 AUG 1903 Nebraska
d. 5 APR 1993 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
Gender: Female
Father: Holmes, Franz
Mother: Adams, Nancy
Holmes, Ida May 
b. 1 MAY 1905 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
d. 28 FEB 1995 Graham, Pierce, Washington
Gender: Female
Father: Holmes, Franz
Mother: Adams, Nancy
Holmes, Mary Elizabeth 
b. 8 NOV 1907 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
d. 30 APR 1998 Seatle, King, Washington
Gender: Female
Father: Holmes, Franz
Mother: Adams, Nancy
Holmes, Martha Anita 
b. 20 FEB 1909 Spanaway, Pierce, Washington
d. 4 JAN 2003 Tacoma, La Paz, Bolivia
Gender: Female
Father: Holmes, Franz
Mother: Adams, Nancy
Holmes, Franz 
b. 4 JUL 1911 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
d. 12 OCT 1997 Tacoma, Pierce, Washington
Gender: Male
Father: Holmes, Franz
Mother: Adams, Nancy
Schüssler, Charles 
b. 30 AUG 1890 Rochester, Monroe, New York
d. 12 SEP 1891 Rochester, Monroe, New York
Gender: Male
Father: Schüssler, Jacob
Mother: Riedesel, Anna Elisabeth
Marriage: 1870 Rochester, Monroe, New York
Cernetisch, Fred
b. 12 SEP 1910 Davenport, Santa Cruz, California
d. 25 JUN 1995 Sterling, Whiteside, Illinois
Gender: Male
Hall, Laura Blanche

b. 1 APR 1917 Keokuk, Lee, Iowa
d. 10 NOV 1997 Prophetstown, Whiteside, Illinoi
Gender: Female
Father: Hall, Samuel Lucas
Mother: Olson, Esther Emiela
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