Genealogy Data Page 718 (Family Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Puffpaff, Christian Wilhelm 
b. 25 OCT 1794 Darguhn, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
d. 1 MAR 1878 East Dundee, Kane, Illinois
Gender: Male
Fierke, Maria Anna

Gender: Female
Puffpaff, Christian Friedrich Wilhelm 
Lauber, Elizabeth 
b. 9 APR 1866 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 1896 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Female
Father: Lauber, Johann Henrich
Mother: Terrell, Susan Tivett
Lauber, Henry 
b. 24 MAR 1875 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 23 APR 1933 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Male
Father: Lauber, George Lewis
Mother: Hasbrouck, Louise
Lauber, Floyd Philander 
b. 11 SEP 1878 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. ABT 1940
Gender: Male
Father: Lauber, Isaac Newton
Mother: Homell, Jane Ida
Lauber, Ross Isaac 
b. 29 SEP 1892 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 10 MAR 1946 Canada
Gender: Male
Father: Lauber, Isaac Newton
Mother: Homell, Jane Ida
Lauber, Arthur 
b. 8 MAR 1896 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Male
Father: Lauber, Isaac Newton
Mother: Homell, Jane Ida
Lauber, Blanch 
b. 23 OCT 1899 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 1943
Gender: Female
Father: Lauber, John William
Mother: Sherman, Ellen
Lauber, Ruth 
b. 22 JAN 1903 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Female
Father: Lauber, John William
Mother: Sherman, Ellen
Lauber, John 
b. 4 DEC 1905 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
d. 23 FEB 1953 Ellenville, Ulster, New York
Gender: Male
Father: Lauber, John William
Mother: Sherman, Ellen
Homrighausen, Johann Heinrich 
b. 13 SEP 1838 Wunderthausen
d. 4 MAY 1840 Wunderthausen
Gender: Male
Father: Homrighausen, Johann Georg
Mother: Ruppert, Christiana Elisabeth
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